• Department of Industries and Commerce, Govt. of Nagaland

  • start.nagaland@gmail.com

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Nagaland has a population of 19.79 lakhs as per 2011 census. More than 60% of the population is in the age group of 15-59. A young population means a young workforce with opportunities to develop an innovative and entrepreneurial culture. Start-up India is a flagship initiative of the Government of India, intended to build a strong ecosystem for nurturing innovation and Start-ups in the country, which will drive sustainable economic growth and generate large scale employment opportunities. Start-up India aims at empowering start-ups to grow through innovation and design. With an aim to accelerate and promote local entrepreneurs in the State of Nagaland, the Department of Industries & Commerce has been appointed as the Nodal department to implement the Start-up Policy for the state which will create an enabling environment for start-ups to grow, by ensuring knowledge exchange, capacity building, policy interventions and access to funding.


Nagaland Start-up Policy aims to establish Nagaland as a model Start-up leader in the region, by creating a culture of entrepreneurship that nurtures creative and innovative youth, allowing them to build successful start-up companies, become job creators and contribute towards building a healthy and sustainable economy.